
了解街区如何融资, 收费是多少?, 以及有什么经济援助可以让所有学生都选择以cc为主导的街区.  赌博正规的十大网站努力让学生有机会进入, 股本, 包容是我们全球教育项目的标志.

学费: 在学年期间,一个街区以外的学生不收取额外学费.  Your standard tuition for the semester is unchanged by the decision to travel with CC for a block. 

项目费用:  而一个学期的学费包括校外街区的学费, 校外宿舍的差旅费不包括在学生的学费中, 房间 & 板费.  这些费用是通过特定于每个校外街区课程的项目费用支付的.  这笔费用包括旅行相关费用,如当地住房, 远足, 报名费, 演讲嘉宾, 当地的交通, 等.

餐基金: 学生 who live on campus and have a standard meal plan will receive a refund of that meal plan for the block they are away.  然后,这些资金可以用来支付在校外住宿期间的伙食费.  学生 living off-campus are expected to pay for meals while on the off-campus block just as they do while enrolled in on-campus courses. 

机票: 机票不包括在校外项目费用中, however the cost of airfare is calculated and included in financial aid awards for the block away for students who qualify for a block away aid award (see below). 

不,不是的. 而CC则需要项目押金, this has been removed in an effort to ensure 股本 between students with different financial means.  一旦学生被批准参加一个项目, 他们被要求签署(电子)项目费用协议(PFA). This agreement acknowledges the student's understanding of the program fee and withdrawal policies and is used as a placeholder in lieu of a deposit. The PFA is a binding agreement between the student and the college to follow the policies stated within the agreement.  A student is not considered fully approved and admitted into a block away course until this agreement (and 2 others) are completed on Summit and the student selects "Confirm" as an option for their application.  

撤军的最后期限: 每个学年校外街区都有一个规定的学生退学截止日期, 通常在出发前90天, 但是根据程序的不同.  All program withdrawal deadlines are posted on the Blocks Away website for the academic year in question.  It is an important date to remember as withdrawals from a program after the posted deadline can lead to substantial nonrefundable charges.   2023-2024年项目退出日期为:

  • 第一块:2023年4月15日
  • 第二块:2023年5月1日
  • 区块3:2023年7月1日
  • 第4块:2023年8月1日
  • 块5 & 2023年10月1日
  • 块7 & 2023年12月1日

逾期提款费用: 撤军 charges for Academic Year Blocks are defined by the withdrawal date as it relates to this deadline as well as the program departure date. The total amount of the program charge to be billed will be determined by the course faculty and 全球教育 and will consider both nonrefundable expenses paid by the college on your behalf and costs shared by all participating students to support the structural expenses of the program. 

  • Pre-Deadline退出:  费用为0美元.
  • 截止日期后撤回:  可以评估最低100美元,最高可达项目费用的100%.
  • 30天内退出/1个出发街区: 最低收费为课程费用的25%,最高可达课程费用的100%. 

财政援助和项目退出: 助学金不能用于支付取款费用.  in some cases a student with a substantial aid award could potentially pay more to withdraw from a program (particularly within 1 block of departure) than to remain on the program with an aid award intact.

因医疗需要而退出: 学生 may have a significant portion of the late withdrawal charges waived with appropriate documentation that the withdrawal was attributable to medical necessity.  CC is not able to guarantee a 100% reimbursement or cancellation of fees for even medical withdrawals, however all efforts will be made to minimize the nonrefundable charges should a withdrawal be the result of a medical necessity.

从正在进行的程序中删除: 学生 who are removed from an ongoing program due to disciplinary issues or behavioral concerns are not eligible for refund of any portion of the program fee.  学生 who return to the United States early due to a medical or family emergency may be eligible for a partial refund of the program fee and/or coverage from our travel insurance for program interruption costs related to altered travel plans. 

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援助基础知识: 在每年两次的申请窗口结束时,将颁发经济援助.  主要的应用程序窗口是从2月到3月, with specific dates announced each year as part of the reveal of the next year's block offerings.  这是街区1-6唯一的应用程序窗口. 申请7-8街区课程的学生也被鼓励在这个时候申请.  A second application and aid window for Block 7-8 programs is also open in each Fall during Block 1.  Because the amount of aid in the Fall App Window depends upon the number of applicants who received Block 7 or 8 aid in the March window, 建议申请7-8街区课程的学生在更早的窗口进行申请, 当援助物资储备充足的时候.  

奖资格: 援助 is available to all 科罗拉多大学 students who have completed their first semester of study and who are currently on need-based financial aid at the College (FAFSA for U.S. 学生和CSS档案(国际学生). If you have previously received a financial aid award for a CC AY Block Away (Blocks 1-8) you are not eligible to apply again. 请注意,AY援助奖与CC夏季街区援助奖是分开的, 如果你以前获得过夏季奖, 你可以在学年期间申请一个奖项. 每个CC学生在他们的学位课程中有资格获得一个夏季奖和一个AY奖.

奖 & 学生账户: 如果你的学生账户上有未偿还的余额, 在结清余额之前,不会作出任何奖励. Awards are not transferable; if you drop your course you must re-apply for an award for a different course (unless your original course was canceled).

Block Away 援助奖励出现在学生的CC账户上.  如果助学金少于项目的全部费用, 然后,还有一部分项目费用需要学生支付, 但如果援助奖励大于项目费用, 全额支付项目费用后的剩余资金将提供给学生. 学生 can request these funds from Student Accounts and they will be direct deposited to the student's indicated bank account.  资金在学期开始时提供,其中包括学习时间, 通常在8月底或1月初.  If students wish an earlier distribution of these funds they can request a 1-month advance from the Financial 援助 Office.  7月或12月是发放援助奖励资金的最早时间.  

奖项在每个申请窗口结束时颁发.  有几个因素被用来决定是否给予援助. 这些都是:

  • 资格:  学生获得基于需求的援助,并且过去没有获得过AY的街区援助奖. 
  • 项目状态:  助学金在项目名单选定后颁发.  被批准的学生有资格获得资助. 学生 who are waitlisted for a program are also waitlisted for aid consideration until they are invited to join a program.  然后他们可能会立即获得奖励或, 如果没有援助的话, 被排进了援助候补名单. 
  • 学年:  Preference is given to upper division students as they have fewer future opportunities to join a block away.
  • 需要等级: Preference is given to students with higher financial need designations as defined by the Financial 援助 Office.

因为校外团体资助池是有限的, CC不能保证为任何特定项目的所有学生提供援助.  我们尽量容纳尽可能多的学生, but it is not uncommon for students with low need or who are in the early years of their CC career to be waitlisted for aid due to a large number of rising seniors or juniors eligible for aid awards. 

奖学金数额取决于你的经济需求水平. AY经济援助奖考虑到课程的总费用, 包括项目费用, 估计机票, 以及任何额外的费用,比如所需的签证.  援助 awards are determined based on the program fee plus the estimated cost of round trip airfare to/from the program destination.  所有的援助奖励都支付这个估计总费用的一定百分比, 覆盖率从20%到90%不等. 没有任何奖励能够覆盖100%的预计项目成本.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/22/2024