Records and Student Information

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, otherwise known as the Buckley Amendment), all students have the following rights:

Right of Inspection or Access

Each student has the right to the following:

  • Be provided with a list of personal educational records, 文件, and documents maintained by Colorado College
  • Inspect and review the content of such records
  • Obtain copies of records at the student's own expense
  • Receive a response from the college to a reasonable request for explanation or interpretation of records
  • Have a hearing to challenge the content of the records

Directory Information

Each residence hall room has been assigned a telephone number. At the beginning of the academic year, a temporary listing of students with on-campus telephone and room numbers will be made available to the campus. Later in the fall, the campus telephone directory is published with the following information:

  • Student's name
  • Student's Worner Center mailbox number
  • Student's local telephone number
  • Student's campus or local address
  • Student's home address

If you do not want to be listed in the directory, fill out the appropriate form at registration.

Release of Personally Identifiable Student Information

Information other than directory information may be released or made available to others only under the following circumstances:

  • To CC officials who have a legitimate educational interest in such information
  • To the parent(s) of a dependent student, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code
  • In an emergency, if the release of such information is necessary for the protection of health or safety
  • Under court order or subpoena
  • To a victim of a crime of violence alleged to have been perpetrated by a student
  • To companies that have been contracted by the college to manage a college operation (For example, ECCI has been contracted to manage the billing for student long-distance telephone service.) These companies sign a contract stating that this information is confidential and will not be made public.

According to federal regulations, all prospective and current students have a right to know specific information about the college they are considering or currently attending. The following chart lists topics of interest and the offices from which you can obtain information:

Topic Source of Information
General College Information Catalog of Courses, Registrar's Office, Admissions Office
Financial 援助 Catalog of Courses, Financial 援助 Handbook, Financial 援助 Office, Admission Office
Refund Policy Catalog of Courses, Financial 援助 Handbook, Student Loans & Accounts Office, Financial 援助 Office, Student Life Office
Graduation Rates Registrar's Office, Office of Institutional Research
药物 & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Associate Dean of Students
Campus Safety Report Associate Dean of Students
Athletics Participation Rates & Gender Athletics Department
Athletics Financial Support Data Athletics Department
Athletics Revenue & Expense Information Athletics Department
Report an issue - Last updated: 01/25/2021