HY267 -西南在西班牙和墨西哥

The pre-contact history of Anasazi and Athabascan peoples from anthropological and mythological perspectives; the causes and consequences of the Spanish entrada and attempts at missionization of the Indian peoples of New Mexico and the California coast; development of mestizo society; the arrival of the Anglo-Americans and the Mexican-American War. 是否符合批判性视角:全球文化或社会不平等的要求. (2024-25年度不提供).



《赌博正规的十大网站》考察了西班牙人与美国西南部土著居民相遇之前的历史. 学生将探索西班牙entrada的动机和他们行为的后果, 在其他主题中.
图片由Flickr用户提供 亚历山大·C. 卡夫卡.
The pre-contact history of Anasazi and Athabascan peoples from anthropological and mythological perspectives; the causes and consequences of the Spanish entrada and attempts at missionization of the Indian peoples of New Mexico and the California coast; development of mestizo society; the arrival of the Anglo-Americans and the Mexican-American War.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/26/2024